Wind Energy Keyword: "Industrie"
Wind Energy Business Directory
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH -
AS Tech Industrie- und Spannhydraulik GmbH -
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH -
TOTAL Deutschland GmbH -
TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service -
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade für den Elbe-Weser-Raum
ZLP2 -
Test Bed -
Condition Monitoring for screw connections -
Individually assembled enclosure solutions -
LED solutions for tower and nacelle -
Rotor blade inspection by an officially appointed and sworn expert -
IDD.Blade® -
SHM.Tower® – System for vibration monitoring and life cycle prognosis -
Solution for mastering tonalities with variable frequency: Active damping device – ADD.Sound® -
SHM.Foundation – condition monitoring system for the detection of structural damage on foundations - >> more results
Video: Wind Energy Solutions by Nord-Lock Group -
Web-Seminar: Digital, mobile & process-reliable tightening of critical bolted joints
Latest Wind Energy News
Nabrawind Receives UL's Component Certificate for the Nabralift 3.0 Tower Family at WindEurope2024 Bilbao 03/21/2024 -
TÜV SÜD awards Nordex Group with DIBt type approval for 179-metre hybrid tower developed in-house for the N175/6.X turbine 03/25/2024 -
TÜV SÜD – reliable partner for the efficient and safe use of energy from renewable sources and hydrogen 08/29/2023 -
TÜV SÜD successfully completes second FGW TG 10 round robin test and gains DAkkS accreditation 05/30/2023 -
Portugal presents innovative digital solutions for industry 03/14/2022 -
HANNOVER MESSE 2022 rescheduled for beginning of June 01/20/2022 -
TÜV SÜD passes first TG 10 round robin test 12/20/2021 -
TÜV SÜD provides certification of wind turbines for regions impacted by tropical storms 09/08/2021 -
Clouds are turning green: Google to use green electricity in Germany 09/01/2021 -
Nordex Group receives type certificate for the N149/4.0-4.5 turbine from TÜV SÜD 08/29/2019 - >> more results