Posted by: Windfair Editors
Poland: Minister Visits wpd Wind Farm
Official Press Release wpd:
wpd welcomes high-ranking visitors to Polish wind farms
A spectacular action reflects the political will to promote wind energy
On 29 July, wpd Polska was able to welcome high-ranking visitors to the “Jarocin Kozmin” and “Kozmin Pilot” wind farms: Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Development Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz had accepted the invitation of the Polish Wind Energy Association PSEW, which had organized an information event on the status of wind energy development in the country together with wpd Polska. A clear and important sign of the Polish government’s commitment to wind energy. The visit of a government representative to a foreign investor also underlines the importance of wpd as an important player in the Polish market for renewable energies. Jadwiga Emilewicz was impressed... ... More: Official Press Release wpd