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US Interconnection Process Has to Be Revised
Official Press Release AWEA:
Clean energy coalition supports proposed FERC revision of interconnection process
A coalition of clean energy groups voiced their support for proposed interconnection changes by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to improve the efficiency and transparency of interconnection requests and remove barriers to renewable energy development.
The following are comments made by representatives of clean energy and emerging technology groups who support FERC taking action: "AEE supports FERC's ongoing efforts to remove barriers to the deployment of advanced energy. FERC is taking much-needed action to modernize the rules governing our transmission system by streamlining the process for interconnection of new resources. The Commission's proposed action would allow for more cost-effective and speedy deployment of renewable... ... More: Official Press Release AWEA
- Keywords:
- AWEA, FERC, support, interconnection, USA