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China: Wind and Solar Opportunities Are Endless
Official Press Release Greenpeace East Asia:
By 2030 China's wind and solar industry could replace fossil energy sources to the tune of 300 million tonnes of standard coal per year
A new report on the co-benefits of wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power in China by Greenpeace East Asia and partner organisations finds that by 2030, China’s wind and solar power generation could replace fossil energy sources by up to 300 million tonnes of standard coal per year, almost as much as France’s entire primary energy consumption in 2015.
The report demonstrates that China’s rapid transition to clean power is not only viable, but also socially and economically beneficial. The government must now accelerate the energy transition. “The potential benefits of wind and solar energy in China are staggering”, said Greenpeace East Asia climate and energy campaigner Yuan Ying. “Not only could China rid itself of fossil energy... ... More: Official Press Release Greenpeace East Asia