
News Release from Vestas


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Italy - Vestas signs a new V52-850 kW contract

The contract includes supply and installation of the turbines, a VestasOnline™ Business SCADA system as well as a service and availability agreement for five years

Vestas has received an order for 35 units of the V52-850 KW turbine for the Giunchetto project in Italy. The project will be located in the province of Enna in Sicily. The contract includes supply and installation of the turbines, a VestasOnline™ Business SCADA system as well as a service and availability agreement for five years.

Delivery for the project is scheduled to start during the second half of 2009, and the project will be completed by year-end.

The order has been placed by the energy company Aerochetto s.r.l. Maestrale, a company owned by the Theolia Group.

“We are glad that Aerochetto s.r.l. Maestrale has chosen Vestas for this wind project, and we look forward to starting this relationship with a new client,” says Rainer Karan, General Manager of Vestas Italia, and continues: “The V52 is a consolidated turbine on the Italian market with approximately 570 units installed in Italy out of a total of 2,357 turbines installed worldwide as of 30 June 2008, confirming the suitability and flexibility of this turbine type.”

With a total estimated annual production of approx 64 GWh per year, the Giunchetto project will be able to satisfy the energy needs of more than 26,700 Italian households, and will save the environment from almost 26,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

Vestas has been operating in the Italian market since 1998 through the company Vestas Italia S.r.l., located in Taranto, in the southern part of Italy. Vestas Italia, this year celebrating its 10-year anniversary, is responsible for sales, installation, service and maintenance of wind power plants for the markets of Italy and the Eastern Mediterranean countries.

With a cumulative installed capacity of 1,734 MW by 30 June 2008, and a well-structured service and maintenance organisation, Vestas Italia is considered the most professional and experienced partner within the wind industry in Italy.
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / Author: Vestas Staff
Vestas, wind energy, wind farm, renewable energy, wind power, wind turbine, rotorblade, offshore, onshore

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