
News Release from WEB Windenergie AG


Wind Industry Profile of

19th Annual General Meeting

Record results and Brigitte Ederer appointed to the W.E.B Supervisory Board

The 19th Annual General Meeting on 25 May 2018 was first and foremost characterized by the record results of the year 2017 as well as changes in the W.E.B Supervisory Board. After W.E.B founder Andreas Dangl had surprisingly announced his intention to withdraw from the Supervisory Board, the shareholders appointed Brigitte Ederer to the W.E.B Supervisory Board. 

The shareholders had every reason to be satisfied: at the 19th Annual General Meeting of WEB Windenergie AG, the Board of Directors, Frank Dumeier and Michael Trcka, had the pleasure of presenting the best results in corporate history.        

After the report from the Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting was in for quite a surprise: after 24 years with W.E.B – 1999 to 2016 as CEO, then as member of the W.E.B Supervisory Board – the company’s founder Andreas Dangl announced his intention to withdraw from the Supervisory Board by the end of the Annual General Meeting and, in consequence, from all his functions at WEB Windenergie AG. “As the founder, or sower as I see myself, I wish to vacate my seat in the company,” he explained in a statement to the Annual General Meeting. “The wind and solar power production cannot be stopped anymore, as it has become one of the cheapest forms of energy on the market. Our smaller structures from earlier times could not handle that. Today internationalization and growth are fundamental.” Turning to the Board of Directors he added, “May you continue on this path of success.”        

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Josef Schweighofer, thanked him on behalf of the entire W.E.B family. “Thank you for the idea, for founding W.E.B, for your vision and your commitment. Without you we would not be where we are today. I wish you all the best for your family enterprise and all the health in the world.” The Chairman of the Supervisory Board’s thanks and wishes were highlighted by standing ovations for the founder of W.E.B.        

Then the time had come for the shareholders to cast their vote. Amongst other decisions, they approved of the proposed dividend of EUR 24 per share – the highest in W.E.B history.   

Moreover, the Supervisory Board had previously suggested that it was necessary to expand its own expertise to better suit the future needs of the W.E.B Group. Therefore, the Supervisory Board had proposed to appoint the experienced industry manager Brigitte Ederer to the same board. The vast majority of shareholders voted in favor of Brigitte Ederer to strengthen the international expertise of the W.E.B Supervisory Board. 

Details on the voting results are found here. 

Press Office
W.E.B, revenue, General Meeting, Supervisory Board, shareholders

All news from WEB Windenergie AG


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