
Fortum wants to bring wind energy to Russia

Fortum has signed an agreement with RUSNANO, a Russian state-owned development company, to make wind energy in Russia a possibilty

Official Press Release Fortum:

Fortum and RUSNANO establish investment partnership to create possibility to capture CSA wind opportunity in Russia

Fortum and RUSNANO, a Russian state-owned development company, agreed to sign a 50/50 investment partnership in order to secure the possibility of a Russian Capacity Supply Agreement (CSA) wind portfolio in Russia.

Further progress in the matter is still dependent on several factors such as the Russian prerequisite for domestic production of wind power generating components as well as auction outcome. Fortum’s equity stake in the joint venture totals a maximum of RUB 15 billion (currently approximately EUR 240 million). The amount is invested over time (within approximately 5 years) as it is subject to positive investment decisions. Separate investment decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis for each possible investment. The projects will be financed... ... More: Official Press Release Fortum

Fortum, RUSNANO, wind energy, Russia

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