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Wind Energy Will Bring Jobs To Iowa
Official Press Release AWEA:
Over 17,000 Iowa wind-related jobs possible by 2020 says Navigant Consulting
Over 17,000 wind-related jobs and over $9 billion in additional economic activity are possible by 2020 according to recent Navigant Consulting analysis highlighted today by the Iowa Wind Energy Association (IWEA) and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
The findings come as wind energy supporters take to the State Capitol to meet with state legislators and Gov. Branstad and Lt Gov. Reynolds, calling on Iowa officials to continue policies growing wind energy in Iowa. “Gov. Terry Branstad knows wind works for Iowa and it’s largely thanks to him that over 17,000 wind-related jobs in Iowa are possible in just a few years,” said Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA. “Wind does not provide just well-paying jobs either, many Iowans also know wind farms... ... More: Official Press Release AWEA
- Keywords:
- AWEA, Iowa, renewable energy, jobs, wind energy, bill, law