Wind Energy Keyword: "SeaRoc"
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Latest Wind Energy News
SeaRoc Group launches SeaHub: Industry-first communication and logistic data solution 09/23/2016 -
UK: SeaRoc Group Celebrates 3 Years at Teesside Offshore Wind Farm 01/15/2016 -
UK: SeaRoc Ahead in Operating Further Offshore 10/22/2015 -
SeaRoc complete first major maintenance visit to Forewind’s Dogger Bank met masts 07/03/2014 -
New SeaHub Communications System Deployed to More DONG Energy Sites 05/10/2017 -
DONG Energy Extends Order of Communications Hubs to Hornsea Project One Offshore Wind Farm 06/27/2017 -
SeaPlanner™ to Monitor Offshore Wind Farm Merkur 01/17/2017 -
£900k project aims to prove use of autonomous vessels for offshore wind operations 05/14/2018 -
UK: Dogger Bank lidar confirms technology meets met masts for wind data collection 12/04/2015 -
UK: SeaPlanner is awarded O&M contract on the Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm 08/13/2015 - >> more results