Wind Energy Keyword: "Kiel"
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Commissioning of the German wind farm Mittelherwigsdorf 08/14/2024 -
Positive annual financial statements for Energiequelle GmbH 05/29/2024 -
Vestas wins 42 MW project in Germany - global announced order intake surpasses 10 GW for 2023 11/06/2023 -
New cloud platform unifies subsea survey data formats for simplified management, analysis and sharing 11/02/2022 -
wpd windmanager technik takes over Deutsche Windtechnik Umspannwerke 06/01/2022 -
Germany: Flagship Project of the Energy Turnaround: Stadtwerke Kiel, Kraftanlagen München and GE are Building the Most Flexible Large-Scale Power Plant 08/10/2015 -
Dock running at full capacity at ADM Kiel 07/11/2014 -
Heritable building right contracts between REpower and harbour Kiel-Canal GmbH signed for site at Osterrönfeld 04/30/2008 -
REpower Systems AG inaugurates new technology center on the Kiel Canal 08/25/2010 -
Global: Academic study confirms the effectiveness of HiDef technique 06/08/2016 - >> more results