
News Release from Alterric Deutschland GmbH


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Ilmatar buys two onshore wind projects in Finland

Ilmatar has finalized the purchase of two Finnish onshore wind projects from the German company Alterric. Thirty turbines with a combined nominal capacity of around 200 MW will be built at Pahkakoski in Ii, and five turbines with a combined nominal capacity of around 30 MW will be built at Jäkäläkangas in Karvia.

Ilmatar Energy and Alterric Internationale Beteiligungs GmbH have closed on a significant deal concerning two large-scale wind power projects in Finland. This transaction supports the strategies of both companies –Ilmatar focusing on the Nordic renewable energy market and Alterric on the Central European market. 

"The procurement of the wind farms demonstrates Ilmatar’s phenomenal ability to find and acquire sites to support our accelerating growth even in tight market conditions," says Juha-Pekka Weckström, CEO of Ilmatar.

The first part of the deal was finalized in the second quarter of last year (Q2/2022), as the Jäkäläkangas project was transferred to Ilmatar’s ownership. 

Ilmatar has already started the construction of Jäkäläkangas with three other wind farms that is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023. In total, Ilmatar is currently constructing 350 MW of new domestic wind power generation. The Pahkakoski project is permitted for construction and is currently being prepared for an investment decision.

"The 30 turbines at Pahkakoski will form a renewable energy asset of a significant scale, with substantial implications for the regional economy, as well as for the green transition and Finland’s carbon neutrality goals. Together with the five turbines in Jäkäläkangas, these assets will produce almost 1% of Finland’s annual electricity consumption. Clean, carbon-free, and above all, domestic electricity," says Erkka Saario, Vice President, Projects, at Ilmatar.

Ilmatar Energy
Press Office
Ilmatar Energy, Finland, wind farm, onshore, Alterric, wind turbine, MW, capacity, project, developer, Europe, market

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