
News Release from World Wind Energy Association e.V. (WWEA)

WorldREnewDay 2022 – Renewables4Climate Renewables4Peace

Join us on 25 June in Celebrating Renewable Energies for Contributing to a Climate Friendly, to a Peaceful World!

Renewable energies are indispensable for a climate-friendly and sustainable economy. Also, due to their decentralized nature, they distribute economic opportunities equally across all countries – since everyone has access to wind, sun, etc.
To celebrate this great transformation, the first Saturday after the summer solstice was proclaimed as WorldREnewDay by Global100RE and Ruslana in 2019 for the first time. On this day, the dawn of the solar age is to be celebrated and experienced in its social and cultural dimensions.

In view of the war in Ukraine and its direct connection to the fossil and nuclear energy industry, the focus in 2022, on 25 June, will be on the peace-making potential of renewable energies in the world. This also reflects the important role of Ruslana Lyzhichko, Ukrainian ESC winner, Maidan activist and ambassador for 100% renewable energy.
The celebration is to take place as a hybrid event in Bonn, broadcasted internationally. Speeches on various aspects are to be presented on a stage and a cultural program with music is also to be presented. The initiative from the Ahr Valley to the SolAHRtal should also be presented as a concrete German project and as a direct response to the devastating consequences of climate change.
Speakers include Artists for Future, renewable energy representatives from India, Japan and Pakistan, Parents for Future, Janine O’Keeffe, one of the initiators of FFF and P4F, local governments, the Ukrainian State Emergency Service, Energy Watch Group and of course Ruslana. 
The full programme of WorldREnewDay 2022 is available at: http://renewday.global100re.org 
WorldREnewDay takes place at the Head Office of the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform and of the World Wind Energy Association in Bonn, Germany - Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5
Please register by sending an email to: secretariat@wwindea.org 
For virtual and interactive participation, please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsfuytrD8oGtTy_Y5zLY402LWGyrwXxF7t

World Wind Energy Association
Press Office
world renew day, renewables, wind energy, wind power, climate, peace

All news from World Wind Energy Association e.V. (WWEA)

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