News Release from PNE AG
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Also a political statement: PNE releases new corporate film
The new film, which was made under the difficult pandemic conditions in force in the summer of 2020, recognises PNE's new strategic orientation as a "Clean Energy Solutions Provider" and the expansion of its business fields to cover the entire renewable energy value chain, as well as successfully increasing international diversification.
In addition, against the backdrop of the climate crisis and the Fridays for Future youth movement, it also contains a clear political message that climate protection will require swift, decisive action and an urgent expansion of renewable energies.
"The topic of the energy transition is more political than ever. I personally have long been deeply involved in politics at both state and federal level and in numerous associations, and we in the PNE Group are all working with passion every day to achieve a 100% renewable energy supply," reports Markus Lesser, CEO of PNE AG. "Against this background, it would have felt wrong to publish an 'ideal world' corporate film, especially as we also want to fulfil our social responsibility and have the ambition to help shape the framework conditions of our business", Lesser continues.
The film was produced by the Vienna based media company, which has already worked with renowned clients worldwide, and won a tender for its concept against five rivals.
Experienced producer, Leander Jahoda, also managing director of Corporate Film, explains the concept: "We tried to use a new visual language and approach the topic of both renewable energies and PNE in a different way: With film images like moving paintings, which are deliberately left standing a little longer to let them take effect and - just as important - highly emotional music".
The film released today is to be understood as a basic image film and forms the starting point for a series of product- and theme-specific film versions to follow in the coming years. This is made possible by the modular conception as a component film, which allows for alternative cut versions without much effort.
The film is now also available on the PNE website:
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- Author:
- Press Office
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- Keywords:
- PNE, corporate film, video, development, renewable energy, Clean Energy Solutions Provider, diversification, value chain, energy