
News Release from Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV.

Van Oord presents Climate Risk Overview

Van Oord has launched the Climate Risk Overview, a global online tool that combines multiple data layers and enables users to identify the world’s most-at-risk coastal areas. The tool is in the public domain and anyone can use it. Van Oord unveiled the new tool during the international Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021.

The Climate Risk Overview is the result of a collaboration between Van Oord and the Global Centre on Adaptation. The launch has therefore preceded the ‘official handover’ to co-chair Mr Ban Ki-moon, who will come to the Netherlands later this year. Van Oord is using the tool to drive discussion of knowledge-sharing, public-private partnerships and mobilisation of the necessary financing to deliver solutions to vulnerable areas.

How does the Climate Risk Overview work?

The Climate Risk Overview is an online tool (https://climaterisk.data.vanoord.com/) that visualises on a map a combination of key parameters, including populations, flood exposure, low-lying land, coastal erosion and ecology. Almost all data is from open sources. The data is mapped onto 10-kilometre stretches of the world’s coastlines. Filters can be applied to the various parameters to help narrow down to a selected number of hotspots, depending on the user’s perspective. Anyone can use the tool and save, share and learn about coastal areas at risk.

Pieter van Oord, CEO: ‘In many coastal areas, we see countries struggling to cope with the impact of climate change, be that drought, flooding, storms or rising sea levels. We at Van Oord feel an obligation to make our adaptation expertise and solutions accessible.’

Patrick Verkooijen, CEO, Global Center on Adaptation: ‘GCA works with partners like Van Oord to accelerate adaptation action. Van Oord’s Climate Risk Overview will play a key role in broadening our understanding of climate risks and opportunities. The Overview is an example of the invaluable role of the private sector.’

Van Oord
Press Office
Van Oord, online tool, lcimate risk, overview, tool, program, global, data, discussion, open source

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