
News Release from American Clean Power Association (ACP)


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AWEA Blog - WindMade ready to label products – launching ‘Show You Care’ campaign to catalyse support

This will not only provide long-term power price stability that forward-looking corporates strive for, but also allow to tap into a whole new pool of potential customers: namely those who care

We’ve done it! Finally, after many months of deliberations with technical experts, environmental NGOs and potential user companies, and after various rounds of corporate and public consultations, we’re proud to present the WindMade Product Label!

This is exciting news for WindMade. From now on, progressive brands can apply to use the WindMade label directly on their products. This will give them a real competitive edge with increasingly conscious consumers.

This label, which can be applied to all products using a minimum share of 75% of renewable energy in their total electricity consumption, will be a great way to recognize companies for their efforts while empowering consumer choice, giving them a tool to vote with their wallets and demonstrate their support for wind power. Because we know from poll after poll that the vast majority of the public backs wind power, both in the U.S. and in Europe.

Now is the time to activate those wind power proponents. With the new label, WindMade has launched a campaign to give consumers the opportunity to show their favourite brands that they care – that want their products to be produced with wind power. With the ‘Show You Care’ campaign, consumers can put pressure on these companies in a fun and light-hearted way by sending in photos of the products they want to see WindMade labelled, by spreading the message in the social media world (using the #ShowYouCare and the #WindMade hash tags) on Twitter and Facebook and by sharing the campaign video.

We’re confident that this will create the necessary buzz to get many small, medium-sized and large corporations interested in using the WindMade label, and in making wind power a key element in their corporate energy purchasing strategy. This will not only give them the long-term power price stability that forward-looking corporates strive for, but also allow them to tap into a whole new pool of potential customers: those who care.

For more information on WindMade, the Product Label and the ShowYouCare campaign, please visit www.windmade.org.

Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / By Angelika Pullen
American Wind Energy Association

All news from American Clean Power Association (ACP)

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