
World Wind Energy Association: World Wind Energy Conference WWEC2011 will discuss in Cairo how to accelerate wind energy deployment in the MENA region

Cooperation between Europe and Egypt on renewable energy progresses well: The European Union conducts a Combined Renewable Energy Master plan for Egypt and co-finances a 200 MW wind farm in Egypt

Bonn/Cairo, 12 August 2011. Also during the period of political transition in Egypt, host country of the WWEC2011, the country is progressing well with its ambitious plans to increase substantially the share of wind and other renewable energies. The European Union signed recently with the Government of Egypt two important agreements:

A grant agreement of € 3 million to develop a Renewable Energy Framework for wind and solar power generation in Egypt will serve as the basis for future investments contributing to the goal of global climate change protection. The lead financial institution for the plan is the German KFW and the consortium includes the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French AFD.

Egypt also signed a 3 billion pounds (€340 million contracts) for a 200 MW wind farm in Gabal El Zeit. The new wind farm will be the largest ever in Egypt comprising of 100 turbines, with a capacity of 2 MW each. The project encompasses 3 contracts, one for the turbines and controls, another for the civil and electromechanical works and the third for the substations. The Project is funded through the EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) that includes grants €30 million from the European Commission and €310 million soft loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the German KFW and the French AFD, besides funding from the government of Egypt for the local content. The project is expected to operate in 2014 and deliver 741 GWh per year saving the oil equivalent of 160'000 tons annually.

The forthcoming 10th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition WWEC2011 (Cairo, 31 October - 2 November 2011) will tackle the general status of wind energy in Egypt and the MENA region and reflect such ongoing activities. Beyond that, WWEC2011 will also discuss further strategies on how to accelerate the deployment of wind energy in the region. The conference will take place at the headquarters of the League of Arab States.

Prof. Dr. Galal Osman, President of the Egypt Wind Energy Association and Co-Chair of the World Wind Energy Conference 2011: "After long time of political stagnation and still rather modest investment in wind energy, Egypt is now in a period of fundamental transition which will make our country the wind and solar powerhouse of the MENA region. We cordially invite the world community to join us in Cairo for the 10th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition in order to intensify international cooperation for the transformation of our energy and economic systems. More than 100 top experts from all over the world will present their latest achievements during the WWEC2011. 'Converting Deserts into Powerhouses' is the theme of WWEC2011. The implementation at the community level will not only bring lasting prosperity to the region even more important it will bring enduring peace."

Dr. Alaa Ezz, Secretary General of the Confederation of Egyptian European Chambers: "The latest EU initiatives augment the EU regional ones such as the Mediterranean Solar Plan, MedEmip, MedEnic, etc, and coincided with the visit of European Commission President Barroso and EIB President Maystadt to Egypt last month where they strolled through the Tahrir square, and met with the various factions of the peacful revolution and civil society."

Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: "Energy is a key for economic development and wealth and for the future prospects of all people all over the world. It will be of crucial importance in particular for the Middle East and North African region to tap its huge wind and solar potentials. Making use of these practically infinite resources will create jobs and enhance emerging industries, a key in order to strengthen the democratic transitions in these countries. We highly appreciate in this context that the League of Arab States has invited us to hold the WWEC2011 at their headquarters. The WWEC2011 in Cairo hence will take place exactly at the right place and at the right time."
World Wind Energy Association:

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