
News Release from Wind Energy Update


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USA - Changing direction for wind as post warranty crisis sets in

The US wind industry has reached a utility scale wind capacity of 36,698 MW, with many of the turbines fast approaching the end of their warranty periods

Wind farm operators now need to learn what management strategies and technological advances will optimize their turbines performance, minimize OPEX costs and drive down the overall lifetime costs of wind power production as their assets become their responsibility

The wind operations and maintenance (O&M) market is expected to reach $10.6 billion by 2016 following the likely growth in the Global wind energy market. The global onshore wind energy market has grown with a compound annual growth rate of 27% from 2005 to 2010 and is expected to grow significantly in the future. Europe has the largest wind O&M market due to aging turbines but is likely to lose relative market share to Asia Pacific and North America as O&M services grow in those regions.

In the North America, wind is one of the fastest growing forms of new electricity generation, accounting for roughly 40% of that added to the electric grid. AWEA’s end of year press statement showed that not only did the wind energy industry survive a tumultuous year in 2010 but actually laid the groundwork to return to large scale installations in 2011.

With a vast number of operating wind turbines approaching the end of their warranty period and new wind farms waiting to be constructed, internal decisions need to be made about on-going maintenance strategies. Operators now face more choice than ever over for post warranty aftercare the best way to organize post warranty operations and maintenance. Options need to weigh up in terms of whether to stick with the OEM’s contract, sign a deal with third-party providers or manage operations and maintenance in-house. Critical emphasis is now on:

* Choosing the right O&M aftercare strategy given the amount of choice available
* End of warranty inspections: How to exit warranty having covered ALL angles
* Who is pioneering in terms of turbine maintenance, and how they are doing it
* What technologies are really justified in cost, and how to implement them cost effectively

Wind energy experts gather in Dallas to thrash out on-going O&M solutions.
International wind energy operators and OEMs will be meeting at the 3rd Annual Wind Energy Operations and Maintenance Summit in Dallas (March 29-30) to discuss how to develop proven, cost effective post warranty O&M strategies to optimize performance and dramatically reduce costs. This industry led event will cover key areas including:

1. End of warranty options and procedures
2. How to optimize turbine performance
3. Health & safety best practice
4. Asset management strategies and
5. Condition monitoring & data interpretation

Wind experience:
This O&M-focused conference will bring together the key operators, utilities, OEMs, service providers, component suppliers, government representatives, and other key industry experts to deliver not only their successes in O&M, but also their stumbling blocks, to equip others with the knowledge required to take their businesses to the next level.

Jon Harman, Director at Wind Energy Update says: "This conference will prepare wind energy professionals – and those looking to move into the industry - with previously unheard facts, figures, strategies and data than you can be implemented immediately for not just the coming months, but also coming years."

Harman continues: “This will be the only meeting place to hear from the biggest names in the wind industry including Nextera Energy Resources, Horizon Wind Energy, E.ON Climate and Renewables, BP Wind Energy, Edison Mission Energy, Goldwind, GAMESA, GE Wind Energy and many more – in short, it’s a line-up of only those with the knowledge to pass on.”

For further information regarding this event, view the website: http://www.windenergyupdate.com/operations-maintenance/

For more information on this article or if you would like to know more about what www.windfair.us can offer, please do not hesitate to contact Errol Stryker (Sales Manager North America) at es@windfair.us

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Wind Energy Update
Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
windenergyupdate, wind energy, wind power, wind turbine, onshore, offshore, windmill, www.windfair.net, Trevor Sievert, ECA

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