
USA - Recent report reveals a decrease odf as much as 10% in average European wind speeds

A windNavigator platform provides project developers and stakeholders with information needed to evaluate project risk, performance, and profitability potential for wind projects

A recent wind report reveals that most of Europe experienced mean wind speeds as much as 10% below the long-term average for Q3 2010, with the exception of a few pockets of relatively windy conditions including Ireland and the United Kingdom. This according to the windTrends Bulletin issued by AWS Truepower LLC, an international renewable-energy consulting and information-services firm. The report, produced in partnership with AWS Truepower’s European office, reviews wind patterns in the US and Europe for the third quarter of 2010 based on AWS Truepower’s windTrends meteorological data set.

Wind patterns reflected the influence of the Azores high-pressure system and other weather patterns on pressure gradients and storm tracks. Conversely, factors in the U.S. such as a negative North Atlantic Oscillation index, a positive Pacific-North American pattern, and emerging La Niña contributed to noticeably intensified wind speeds for many wind development hot-spots.

“In particular, wind power plants in Colorado, Wyoming, New York and lower New England experienced significant improvements in the wind resources during the third quarter,” said Michael Brower, Chief Technical Officer at AWS Truepower. “But despite the generally windier conditions during the past six months, mean wind speeds remain below normal throughout much of the U.S. for the 12 months ending 30 September 2010 (Q3 2010), especially in the northern Great Plains and Upper Midwest. This period is sharply different from the previous 12 months ending Q3 2009, when over 90% of the United States experienced average or above-average wind speeds.”

This so-called “hind cast” provides wind plant owners, investors, and operators with detailed maps that displays wind anomalies and climatic fluctuations caused by El Niño and other climate patterns, and explain where and how they impact different regions.

A windNavigator platform provides project developers and stakeholders with information needed to evaluate project risk, performance, and profitability potential for wind projects. windNavigator Asset Management lets subscribers analyze the impact of wind performance on their projects so they can take proactive measures to improve performance and their bottom line.

For more information on this article or if you would like to know more about what www.windfair.us can offer, please do not hesitate to contact Errol Stryker (Sales Manager North America) at as@windfair.us

www.windfair.net is the largest international B2B Internet platform – ultimately designed for connecting wind energy enthusiasts and companies across the globe!
AWS Truepower, LLC
Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
wind energy, wind power, wind turbine, onshore, offshore, windmill, www.windfair.net, Trevor Sievert, ECA

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