Posted by: Windfair Editors
Statkraft supports Norway's green startup scene
Official Press Release Statkraft:
Statkraft opens another door to the ground floor of green tech innovation
Startup Lab selects high potential Norwegian startups to be part of a new, energy transition-focused group of companies under incubation. Statkraft and other Norwegian industrials have signed on to support.
There are plenty of advantages to being a big company that’s been around for well over a century. You’ve had decades to build competence, enough resources to ensure progress, and a position that’s well cemented in the industry and society. But on the other hand, you also risk becoming a fortress of your own making, unaware of the flurry of advancement around you. That was a risk that Statkraft simply wasn’t willing to accept. A key part of its strategy, Statkraft has dedicated itself to exploring new ventures and supporting the startup... ... More: Official Press Release Statkraft
- Keywords:
- Statkraft , support, startup, Norway, green, innovation, funding, energy ransition, incubation, technology, development