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Denmark's Largest Offshore Wind Farm Receives Project Certificate by DNV GL
Official Press Release DNV GL:
DNV GL awards project certificate to Vattenfall’s Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm
The certificate for Horns Rev 3 confirms that the wind farm is fit to perform for 25 years.
DNV GL, the world's largest resource of independent energy experts and certification body, has officially issued the project certificate to Vattenfall for its Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm. The certificate proves a safe and cost-efficient operation of the largest offshore wind farm in Denmark. The 412 MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm is the third phase of offshore wind development at the Horns Rev site, 20-30 kilometres off the Danish Jutland coast. With its forty-nine 8.3 MW MHI Vestas Offshore Wind V164 turbines, it is capable of powering around 425,000 Danish households and will provide some of the cheapest offshore wind electricity in Europe. “As the... ... More: Official Press Release DNV GL
- Keywords:
- DNV GL, Horns Rev 3, wind farm, offshore, Denmark, project certificate, performance, safe, cosst efficient, Vattenfall, MHI Vestas, turbine