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Deepwater Wind Wants to Prevent Impacts to Commercial Fishing Gear
Official Press Release Deepwater Wind:
Deepwater Wind Outlines Industry-Leading Approach to Prevent Damage to Fishing Gear at its Offshore Wind Farms
First U.S. Offshore Wind Developer to Adopt Plan to Prevent Impacts on Fishing Gear
Deepwater Wind today adopted a first-of-its-kind procedure designed to prevent impacts to commercial fishing gear from offshore wind energy activities. The procedure was developed in close coordination with the commercial fishing industry and is based off extensive feedback from fishermen in ports up and down the Atlantic coast. Deepwater Wind is the first American offshore wind developer to adopt such procedures. “We know that offshore wind and all other ocean users can coexist – we see that happening every day at the Block Island Wind Farm. We are committed to working with the commercial fishing industry and ironing out our differences. We want to be good... ... More: Official Press Release Deepwater Wind