
Labkotec Oy

  • Ice detection
  • Ice warning lights
  • Remote monitoring

With the world’s most widely used ice detection system, you can get more out of your wind turbine, extend its life cycle and increase safety. The Labkotec system detects icing conditions and sends you an alert so you can initiate the necessary actions accurately when needed.

Prevent accidents caused by ice fall

Ice accumulating on the blades of a wind turbine poses a significant safety risk to people and buildings in the vicinity. Increase the safety of the wind farm area by warning people of the danger of ice throw or ice fall with a flashing light.

Optimise the productivity of wind turbines and extend their life cycle

With the help of ice detection, the wind turbine operates optimally even in icing conditions. Combined with blade heating, ice detection increases wind turbine operating hours by minimising downtime.

Meet the requirements

Ice detection is often required to operate a wind farm in icing conditions. With Labkotec ice detection system, you’ll meet these requirements.



    Labkotec Ice Warning Lights

    Improve area safety

    Increase the safety of the wind farm area by warning people of the danger of ice throw or ice fall with a flashing... [More]

    Labkotec Ice Detector

    Labkotec Ice Detection improves safety, optimises the productivity of wind turbines and extends their life cycle. 

    Improve... [More]


    Ice Detection by Labkotec Group

    With the world’s most widely used ice detection system, you can optimise your wind turbine operations and increase safety.

    The Labkotec Ice Detection... [More]

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