Wind Energy Keyword: "Ursula von der Leyen"
Wind Energy Business Directory
Windmeister GmbH -
Bundesverband der Windparkbetreiber Offshore e.V. -
Von Roll Schweiz AG -
Haus der Technik e.V. -
Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. -
Carl-von-Ossietsky-Universität Oldenburg -
Forschungs- und Technologie-Zentrum Westküste der Universität Kiel -
Pfleiderer-Institut für Strömungsmaschinen der Technischen Universität Braunschw -
BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. -
cp.max Rotortechnik GmbH & Co. KG - >> more results
Latest Wind Energy News
EU starts investigation into Chinese wind turbines under new Foreign Subsidies Regulation 04/11/2024 -
Commission sets out immediate actions to support the European wind power industry 10/25/2023 -
Ursula von der Leyen speaks at the opening ceremony of HANNOVER MESSE 10/24/2023 -
Wind Power Package: game-changer for Europe’s energy security 10/24/2023 -
Security, jobs and autonomy – why we need our turbines to be made in Europe 09/28/2023 -
President von der Leyen is right: wind energy must continue to be made in Europe 09/15/2023 -
European Green Deal: New EU-Norway Green Alliance to deepen cooperation on climate, environment, energy and clean industry 04/25/2023 -
United against Putin 02/22/2023 -
The Green Deal Industrial Plan: putting Europe's net-zero industry in the lead 02/02/2023 -
Ensuring access to critical materials for steel and wind sectors essential for EU clean-tech economy 01/27/2023 - >> more results