Wind Energy Keyword: "ESKOM"
Latest Wind Energy News
South Africa's struggle with its energy transition 07/19/2023 -
ESKOM issues curtailment notice to wind farms citing COVID-19 04/02/2020 -
Sibanye-Stillwater advances its journey to carbon-neutrality with the commencement its first utility-scale renewable energy project 05/31/2023 -
Anglo American and EDF Renewables agree to renewable energy partnership in South Africa to form Envusa Energy – launching 600MW of wind and solar projects in first phase 10/06/2022 -
Power rationing as the new normal 07/06/2022 -
South Africa: Noupoort wind farm connects to Eskom grid 12 months into construction 02/26/2016 -
Inside South African Wind - Eskom wind farm with 46 wind turbines 04/21/2015 -
Siemens Blog - Partnership with Eskom results in a new wind farm in South Africa 10/08/2013 -
South Africa - Eskom registers prospective suppliers for 100MW wind farm 07/18/2007 -
South Africa - Eskom promises cleaner energy 07/26/2007 - >> more results