Wind Energy Keyword: "DWD"
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Tender won: LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH gets large order from German Weather Service (DWD) 03/08/2017 -
Ultrasonic wind sensors for the DWD's maritime monitoring network come from Lufft 04/28/2015 -
New at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Seeschiffahrtsberatung 07/22/2009 -
Fraunhofer IWES and the German Meteorological Service with new models for more accurate weather and energy forecasts 05/05/2017 -
How do offshore wind farms change the wind? 11/12/2019 -
Stronger Together: Combined Expansion of Renewables Ensures Electricity Supply 03/09/2018 -
Suitable for Every Climate: Lufft Launches New CHM8k Cloud Height Sensor 02/23/2018 -
Netherlands Cloud Height measured by Sensors from Lufft 05/20/2015