Wind Energy Keyword: "Banque des Territoires"
Wind Energy Business Directory
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes -
Syndicat des énergies renouvelables -
Fédération des producteurs d'énergies renouvelables EDORA
Latest Wind Energy News
Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires awarded new 250 MW floating offshore wind project in the French Mediterranean Sea 01/07/2025 -
Oman: TotalEnergies and OQAE Sign Agreements to Develop 300 MW of Renewable Projects 12/12/2024 -
Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires reinforce their partnership and jointly engage in the AO7 tender for offshore wind in the South Atlantic French coast 10/06/2023 -
Iles d'Yeu and Noirmoutier offshore wind farm reaches Final Investment Decision and starts construction 04/06/2023 -
DEME awarded transport and installation contracts for Yeu and Noirmoutier offshore wind farm foundations and substation 02/13/2023 -
Racing towards reduced emissions with the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship 05/02/2024 -
Floating wind turbines in the port of Port-La Nouvelle 03/22/2022 -
Comments from German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke at the conclusion of COP28 12/13/2023 -
140 Years of Wind Power: As the World Reaches One Million Megawatt, New Discovery Shows that the World’s First Wind Generator Was Installed in 1883 08/01/2023 -
Germany installed 1.6 GW new onshore wind in the first semester; rigorously implements EU permitting measures 07/20/2023 - >> more results