
BGZ-Group enforces Executive Boards

The BGZ-Group enforces the Executive Boards both of BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG as well as WKN Windkraft Nord AG. This action corresponds to the strong growth of the Group and the increasing complexity of the single business units. As of November 01, 2009 Dr. Christian Kuhse will be appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) within the Executive Board of BGZ AG. Christian Kuhse was born 1963, graduated with a PhD in law and completed an apprenticeship as a bank clerk. Following to his studies, he firstly worked as business lawyer. During the last ten years, Christian Kuhse has held several executive positions in the financial departments of listed companies.

Since September 2008, Christian Kuhse has already supported the BGZ Executive Directors Volker Friedrichsen and Christian Clausen as part of the management board. In doing so he also significantly participated in the share entry of Siemens Project Ventures (SPV). As of October 1, 2009 Wichard von Harrach will join the management of WKN Windkraft Nord AG as third member of the Executive Board in addition to Martinus Scherweit and Michael Ostwald.

Wichard von Harrach, born 1969, studied economics and was presently working as Vice President Project Development for Siemens Project Ventures in Erlangen/South Germany. He has extensive experiences and a long track record in business development, marketing and sales. Wichard von Harrach already decisively participated in the foundation of the WKN / Siemens joint-venture “Innovative Wind Concepts” as well as in the investment of Siemens Project Ventures in the BGZ-Group. Apart from these two appointments, the BGZ-Group Board of Directors has been enlarged following to the entry of Siemens Project Ventures mid of 2009. The company now assigns three seats within the nine members board.

The BGZ Group

BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG is a manage-ment holding company in the area of sustainable energy. The value chain includes planning, projecting, financing as well as the operation and the management of energy production systems like wind farms, solar as well as bio energy plants. The BGZ Group is also represented internationally by several subsidiaries throughout Europe as well as the US. More than 50 percent of the BGZ shares are privately owned by the founder Volker Friedrichsen. Roughly 25 percent are held by private and institutional investors, while another 25.1 percent are now owned by Siemens Project Ventures.

WKN Windkraft Nord AG

WKN Windkraft Nord AG has planned, installed and operated turnkey wind parks in Germany since 1990. In addition, WKN AG is also expanding abroad and is internationally represented by subsidiaries in numerous European countries and the USA. Up to now, the company initiated and realized a total of 1,000 megawatts capacity wind energy. WKN AG is part of the innovative “House of Future Energies” corporate network in Husum, an established center of excellence for renewable energy sources in Germany. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG, or BGZ AG for short.
BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG
Catrin Petersen

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