
USA - America’s environmentally-friendly print shop purchases 100% wind energy

Every computer, printing press, folding machine, and light PFL uses is powered by a nearby wind farm

PrintingForLess.com (PFL), America’s environmentally-friendly print shop, announced today that PFL now purchases 100% of its electricity from renewable power sources. This means that every computer, printing press, folding machine, and light PFL uses is powered by a nearby wind farm. PFL is working with its local utility, Park Electric Cooperative, along with Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s Prairie Winds-Energy in Motion Green Tag Program, to make this green initiative possible.

“Though wind-powered electricity costs a little more, we believe that as more businesses purchase energy from renewable sources, green power will gain momentum and go mainstream, eventually providing our country with the best of all worlds: energy that is clean, cost-effective and made in America,” says Andrew Field, PFL President and CEO.

Why wind power? According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/37602.pdf,:

• “Wind energy is economically competitive;
• Wind energy is a valuable crop of the future for farmers and ranchers;
• Unlike most other electricity generation sources, wind turbines don’t consume water;
• Wind energy is an indigenous, homegrown energy source that contributes to national security;
• Wind energy is inexhaustible and infinitely renewable;
• Wind energy is clean energy that produces no emissions;
• Because wind energy’s ‘fuel’ is free, it reduces the risk associated with volatile fossil fuel prices;
• Wind energy has overwhelming public support.”

“With our wind power, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for responsible forest management, and our other green activities, we are doing out part to help preserve the environment while providing high-quality marketing materials that our customers can be proud of,” says Field. For more information on PFL’s sustainable practices, visit http://www.printingforless.com/Green-Printing-Practices.html.

"We are pleased to welcome PrintingForLess.com to our Green Power Program," says Toni Cody, Park Electric Member Service/Marketing Director. "By purchasing 100% renewable energy, PFL is helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a cleaner and healthier local community.” PFL is Park Electric’s largest wind-powered customer.

For more information, please contact Trevor Sievert at ts@windfair.net
Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
wind energy, renewable energy, jobs, wind turbine, wind power, wind farm, rotorblade, onshore, offshore

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