

First BWEA Small Systems Report points to spectacular sector growth - but planning still an issue

BWEA, UK's leading renewable energy trade association, identified very strong annual growth for small wind turbines in terms of units installed, with the Government being urged to streamline planning and come out with much stronger backing for the burgeoning sector.

The first BWEA Small Wind Systems UK Market Report, published this week, projects that 3 previous years of interrupted growth will continue through 2008 and into 2009, with the UK retaining the mantle of world leader in small systems technology. However, the 80% growth is driven not just by technological improvements, but also by realisation that there are huge energy savings to be made by deploying small turbines.

Alex Murley, BWEA Small Systems Manager said: "With large economic and export opportunities at stake, the UK is in an ideal position to support a strong manufacturing industry in a fast growing global sector, with the potential of delivering tens of thousands of UK based jobs."

At the same time, there was continuing consternation at the Governments lack of clear guidance to local planning authorities, which would assist those who wish to generate their own renewable energy. In 2006 as part of the Micro-generation Strategy published by the DTI (now DBERR) there was a commitment to address planning as a barrier to deployment.

"Two years after Government promised to tackle this issue, industry, local authorities and consumers are still waiting for detailed planning guidance and Permitted Development Rights to be issued," said Murley.

BWEA has on its part engaged local councillors and planning officials through a series of 9 seminars in 12 UK regions, on the subject of wind energy deployment. More than 1000 officials attended over the last 3 months.
Nick Medic

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