
New Member On Windfair.net: EDAG-SIGMA Concurrent Engineering GmbH

* service providers related to wind energy

* plan offices for wind power projects

* offshore: plants

* development / calculation / analysis

Company Presentation

EDAG-SIGMA Concurrent Engineering GmbH (www.edag-sigma.com) is an independent engineering consultant with a staff level of 400 employees, active in the aerospace, wind energy and shipbuilding sectors. Integrated into the EDAG-group (www.edag.com), with more than 5000 employees, EDAG-SIGMA offers the highest professional competence in every engineering area emplaced on more than 30 locations spread in five continents.

EDAG-SIGMA provides more than 10 years expertise in the development of towers, rotor blades and machinery components for wind turbines. Based on the comprehensive know-how of its staff, EDAG-SIGMA is in the position to design and develop new wind turbines. EDAG SIGMA utilizes design experiences and calculation methods from aviation projects for innovative, weight- and cost optimised new designs and optimisation of components. Engineering services comprise load calculation, structural dynamics as well as design and verification of rotor blades, towers, drive trains and machinery components. Furthermore, these services also cover FE analysis of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) components, cast and welded parts, design and production documentation, plant engineering and test rigs.

EDAG-SIGMA guarantees professional competence in every area of engineering and the efficient organization of the development process, ensuring the success of your project as turbine manufacturer, component supplier or project developer.

EDAG-SIGMA´s portfolio of engineering services for wind energy:

* Development of wind energy converters, subsystems and components
* Load calculation
* Rotor blade design and development
* Tower design
* Drive train development and gearbox rating
* Modal analysis and noise reduction
* Electrical design and control development
* Component testing and validation
* Plant engineering and test rigs
* Assessment of grid code compliance
* Technical due diligence
* Manufacturing surveillance
* Development of retrofit solutions
* Market studies

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