
JDR wins contract for first floating offshore wind project to power oil and gas platforms

Project marks JDR’s continued expansion into floating offshore wind

JDR Cable Systems Ltd, part of the TFKable Group, has signed a contract with Equinor for the Hywind Tampen pioneering project. JDR is designing and manufacturing eleven 66kV dynamic inter-array cables and two static export cables, each equipped with a JDR designed breakaway system and a range of cable accessories for delivery in 2022.

The project will be the first worldwide to power oil and gas platforms using floating offshore wind – a far more technically challenging and less mature technology than traditional fixed-foundation offshore wind. Cables pose a particular challenge due to the high dynamic stress they must withstand, however JDR has already established itself as a leader in this fledgling sub-sector, delivering the world’s first application of dynamic 66kV technology and breakaway system to the Windfloat Atlantic floating wind farm last year.

The Hywind Tampen project will consist of 11 wind turbines developed by Equinor. The 8 MW turbines will have a total capacity of 88 MW, capable of meeting about 35 per cent of the annual power demand of the five Snorre A and B, Gullfaks A, B and C oil and gas platforms. The floating wind project is in water depths of 300 metres, much deeper than any previous floating wind project and is the first ever to power oil and gas platforms.

The 2.5 km long 66kV dynamic array cables will connect to the eleven turbines in a loop and the two static 12.9km and 16km export cables will be used to connect the loop to the Snorre A and Gullfaks A platforms. The greater water depth means the cable accessories will be especially designed to withstand higher water pressures.

Robert Weeks at JDR, comments: “We are delighted to win this project with Equinor. It’s a world-first and we are very proud to be a part of it. Floating wind is still in its infancy compared to fixed-foundation offshore wind, but has the potential to revolutionise how we generate power for deepwater platforms and on coastlines which only have access to deeper waters. As operators look to decarbonise production and countries look for more sources of renewable energy, floating offshore wind can make the difference, and we are commited to providing solutions and innovative technologies to help offshore wind flourish on a global scale.”

The power cores for the cables will be manufactured by JDR’s parent company TFKable at its Bydgoszcz factory in Poland. All the cables and accessories will be assembled at JDR’s facilities in Hartlepool UK.

JDR Cables
Press Office
JDR, Hywind Tampen, Norway, power, oil, gas, platform, North Sea, supply, cable, floating, offshore, wind farm, Equinor, inter-array, export

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