
India will electrify 25.000 villages based on renewable energy

WWEC 2006 in New Delhi will have one special focus on rural electrification, including corresponding technologies and policies

20 September 2006

Bonn/New Delhi (WWEA) - The Indian Government has assigned the Ministry for Non-conventional Energy Sources to electrify 25.000 rural Indian villages based on renewable energy. WWEA welcomes this programme as a milestone for rural development worldwide. The 5th World Wind Energy Conference 2006 (WWEC 2006) under the theme 'Energy Independence powered by Wind' will attract experts from around the world to discuss how to implement such ambitious wind energy programmes for the benefit of human development.

According to the Indian Minister for Non-conventional Energy Sources, Vilas Muttemwar, his Ministry will in the coming years electrify 25.000 villages in remote areas with renewable energy sources. The government programme is part of a major rural electrification programme. Currently, around half of India's 1,1 billion population has no access to modern electricity. India, however, is already leading in grid-connected wind farms being today number four worldwide with currently 5.500 MW installed. India is the only country worldwide with an own ministry for renewable energy.

WWEA President Dr Anil Kane: "WWEA congratulates the Indian Government on this programme. We offer our contribution and advice in order to achieve a strong and effective implementation. The electrification programme will contribute to improve the living conditions of millions of Indian families in the countryside. New applications like hybrid systems and stand-alone systems offer great economic opportunities both in manufacturing as well as for consumers in the rural, so far un-served areas. WWEA has invited leading wind energy experts from around the world to gather in Delhi at the forthcoming WWEC 2006 under the theme 'Energy Independence powered by Wind'. This will offer an excellent opportunity to discuss all political, technological and economic aspects of rural electrification and draw conclusions for concrete action."

Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General of WWEA: "Today India belongs to the world leaders in grid-connected wind farm technology. With the new programme on rural electrification, India may also become a global leader in stand-alone and wind-hybrid systems. Worldwide around 2 billion people do not have access to modern energy services like electricity. Already today renewable energy can provide a de- centralised, affordable, clean and sustainable energy supply to those areas. The Indian example will set up a milestone for all those countries and world regions with un-served areas."

For further information please contact:

World Wind Energy Association:
Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General,
Tel. +49 228 369 40 80, secretariat@wwindea.org
Stefan Gsänger

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