
UK - Renewable energy industry aims for a stronger voice

Exploring the prospects for a merger

The Boards of UK’s two leading renewable energy trade associations have written to their members to confirm that they are exploring the prospects for a merger. The British Wind Energy Association and the Renewable Energy Association say that a combined body would provide a stronger, more coherent voice for the sector offering even better value for members. The associations will now consult their memberships and, subject to their support, aim for a merger by the end of the year. “The Energy Review reconfirms the major contribution that renewables will make to our future energy needs” said BWEA Chief Executive Maria McCaffery. “We in the industry now need to pull together and work with Government to enhance the uptake of new renewables whilst focusing on delivery of those that are already contributing and growing – landfill gas, onshore wind and hydro.”

REA Chief Executive Philip Wolfe said “The industry has been growing strongly in recent years, and this needs to accelerate to meet our national goals for 2010 and 2020. This means a broader approach to include heat and transport fuels as well as renewable power.” The Boards of the Associations have appointed a taskforce to define the details of the potential merger and also to establish a business plan for the joint association if approved. This would include comprehensive submissions to the upcoming Energy White Paper and Renewable Obligation amendment consultations, proposals for the development of renewable heat and CHP, mass-market renewables and accelerated development of bio-fuels.

For more information please contact: Maria McCaffery, BWEA, 07803 273227 and Philip Wolfe, REA, 07971 786417
British Wind Energy Association
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
wind energy, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind power, wind farm, rotorblade, onshore, offshore

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