
UK - Bwea statement on Prime Minister’s speech

21% of UK electricity supplies can be generated from the renewable energy sources of wind, wave and tidal alone by 2020

BWEA welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement last night of a ‘big push’ on renewables as a result of the Energy Review. BWEA’s Energy Review submission shows that significant contributions are possible from renewables, identifying that 21% of UK electricity supplies can be generated from the renewable energy sources of wind, wave and tidal alone by 2020. While a ‘step change’ in delivering energy efficiency is clearly essential, we also require diverse energy supplies from indigenous resources to deliver a clean, green secure energy future for Britain.

Renewable energy is delivering an increasing amount of power at a rapid rate, with onshore wind energy leading the way: BWEA expects onshore to deliver nearly 5% of our electricity supplies by 2010. Economically attractive, technologically advanced and readily deployed, onshore wind energy is the catalyst to a attracting a vibrant and sustainable renewables industry across a wider portfolio of technologies. Whatever the Government decides from the Energy Review, it is important that onshore wind is able to maintain its momentum at the forefront of renewable energy delivery. It is also critical to provide a new policy impetus to allow offshore wind to deliver on a massive scale, and to create the right additional support mechanisms for wave and tidal to allow the UK to lead the world in these emerging technologies. Much of Government's focus in the Energy Review has been on nuclear: however, if the Government's xobjectives for climate change and security of supply are to be met, it is clear that equal, if not higher, priority must be given to driving forward the delivery of renewable technologies. Whether the Review sets ambitious targets for renewable generation, followed up with firm policy measures, will be a key test of Government's determination to set the UK on a course to being a leading low-carbon economy by 2050.

For more information contact Dr. Gordon Edge, Head of Offshore, BWEA on 07816 830180 or Mari Martiskainen, Communications & Small Wind Officer on 020 7689 1935 or mari@bwea.com
British Wind Energy Association
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
wind energy, wind farm, renewable energy, wind power, wind turbine, rotorblade, offshore, onshore

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