
Ontario takes the political lead in renewable energy development in North America

WWEA welcomes introduction of feed-in tariff as a milestone and congratulates government of Ontario

Bonn/Toronto (WWEA) – The Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty and the Minister of Energy,Donna Cansfield, jointly announced yesterday that the Canadian province of Ontario will offer standard contracts to anyone in the province who wants to generate electricity with renewable energy. The contracts will allow operators of wind turbines, solar panels, small hydro plants and biomass plants to connect to the provincial electricity system. The operators of such installations will be paid a fixed price over a period of 20 years.

There are no limits or caps on the programme and the tariffs will differ between technologies. The project size is limited to 10 MW to encourage distributed and local generation thus providing new sources of rural revenue. The programme also provides for simplified interconnection with the grid. The tariff for wind energy will be fixed at 0,11 Can$/kWh.

Dr Anil Kane, President of the World Wind Energy Association: “On behalf of the World Wind Energy Association I would like to congratulate the government of Ontario on this excellent step. It opens up new market perspectives for wind energy development in Ontario which will have tremendously positive impacts also on further parts of North America. We have learned from other world regions that intelligent tariffs for wind electricity boosts the wind industry, creates new income and jobs especially in rural areas, reduces polluting emissions and finally secures an affordable electricity supply even in the long term. We are sure that the electricity generated by wind will be cheaper than any other means of generation of electricity in a very short time to come.“

Deborah Doncaster, Executive Director, Ontario Sustainable Energy Association OSEA: "This policy has proven that Ontario's Liberal Government understands the importance of renewables to our electricity grid and to our communities. OSEA has every confidence that this government will continue to govern the electricity sector in a responsible and responsive manor. We look forward to hosting the 2008 World Wind Energy Conference when we can showcase projects built as a result of this very progressive policy."

Melinda Zytaruk, OSEA General Manager: “This is a bold step that puts Ontario at the forefront of renewable energy development in North America. No other jurisdiction in North America has crafted such a striking plan to reduce its contribution to climate change by closing its coal-fired power plants and launching an ambitious program to rapidly develop renewable energy. These Standard Offer Contracts are widely used in Europe where they have been extremely successful.”

Paul Gipe, internationally widely known wind energy author and OSEA policy adviser: “Minister Cansfield is sending a signal to the renewable energy industry worldwide that Ontario wants their business. In a few years these contracts will be considered a bargain. Few understand the seriousness of the energy situation in North America. Minister Cansfield’s action will help prepare Ontario for the increasing volatility in the price of fossil fuels.”

Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General of the World Wind Energy Association: “Considering the great announcement made by the Ontario government, we look even more forward to our World Wind Energy Conference 2008 which we will hold in Toronto jointly with OSEA under the special theme of wind power and community involvement. The new programme will start a very dynamic development with a growing wind power sector and many new players. The WWEC 2008 therefore will take place in Ontario exactly at the right time.”
World Wind Energy Association
Stefan Gsänger

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