
News Release from WindEurope


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Europe: Paris climate deal shows energy transition commitment towards wind power

The European Wind Energy Association greatly welcomes the UN climate change agreement struck in Paris on Saturday 12 December.

The agreement shows a genuine ramp-up of ambition on climate policy - crucially involving all countries for the first time. The commitments countries have made in their INDCs don't yet deliver 2DC let alone 1.5DC, but collectively they are far more ambitious than anything we've seen before - both the overall commitments and the specific measures such as renewables targets which will deliver them. And the 5 year review process agreed in Paris will enable this ambition to be raised over time.

Delivering the Paris agreement will require a fundamental transformation of the world's energy systems. The EU can play a leading role here, not least with the first-mover advantage it's built up in wind energy, the most cost-effective climate mitigation technology available today.

Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer of EWEA: "This deal is good for the climate, it's good for the economy and it's good for business. It shows governments are seriously committed about decarbonising the energy sector and moving to renewables such as wind power".

"Europe's leadership in wind combined with the major new commitments on renewables from emerging economies gives us a golden opportunity to further expand our flourishing export industry. The European wind industry has a 40% share of wind markets outside Europe today. So the INDC commitments on wind could create major new jobs and growth in Europe. But to exploit these opportunities the European wind industry will need to keep its competitive edge - and that will require a vibrant home market for wind.

As of now only 6 out of 28 Member States have clear commitments and policies in pace for renewables post 2020. That's not enough to deliver the EU's collective renewables target "at least 27%" by 2030. And not enough to deliver the vibrant home market we need to help other countries deliver on the commitments they've now made in Paris.


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