Scotland - D-day for huge wind farm
Plans for the world's largest wind farm might take a significant step forward today when they are considered by councillors in the Western Isles. More than 4,200 representations have been made to the Scottish Executive on the proposal to erect 234 turbines in Lewis, with just nine in favour. Officials have recommended that the scheme, costing more than £400 million, is approved, although they say another wind farm with 133 turbines, also in Lewis, should be rejected. The Executive will have the final say, but if councillors reject either plan, then a public inquiry will be held. Many objectors to both have asked for an inquiry if the plans are not rejected outright. The larger plan, proposed by Lewis Wind Power, would cover from Stornoway across Barvas Moor to Ness.
- Source:
- Online editorial - www.windfair.net
- Author:
- Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
- Email:
- press@windfair.net
- Keywords:
- Scotland, wind energy, wind power, wind turbine, wind farm, windmill, offshore, onshore, rotorblade
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