
MVV decon expands its services to include cost-efficient Lidar measurements

MVV decon GmbH’s international wind energy activities date back as far as 1982. Our assessments at complex sites in recent years have demonstrated the advantages of laser wind detection technologies, especially over forested or mountainous areas.

Over the years the height of wind turbine hubs has increased (90-160m above ground level) resulting in significant costs and efforts to take mast measurements (space, building permits, transportation and physical risks). Due to budget and time constraints many developers avoided measurements at hub height instead relying on simple wind field simulations thereby accepting significant project risks. As a consequence major deviations or deficits related to wind resources could occur within the operational period leading to potentially serious liquidity or financing problems even insolvency. One of the most stringent international guidelines for the “Evaluation of site specific wind conditions” issued by MEASNET, which recommends a minimal measurement height of 2/3 of hub height, allows a certain risk originating from the extrapolation of the vertical wind speed. For a common hub height of 140 m this would mean an extrapolation from the top anemometer at 93m a.g.l. to 140m a.g.l.

According to Micha Wehner, MVV decon GmbH’s wind energy surveyor: “Vertical extrapolations using approximate formulas or models are particularly risk susceptible in forested areas due to the fact that the wind profile varies between the disturbed (met mast area) and undisturbed (between 80m and 100m a.g.l.) zones above the forest. In forested areas our Lidar measurements typically show results which cannot be sufficiently predicted using available models. Combined with special methods of long term correlation we maximise the information about the site and reduce the investment risk within the given timeframe and budget of our clients.”

MVV decon has accumulated relevant experience in the wind energy sector over the last 32 years. Its portfolio includes wind energy projects implemented throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our expertise includes planning and development of multi-megawatt projects (with a total capacity of about 1,000 MW), studies for wind energy projects with capacities of up to 3,000 MW and support to more than 30 wind park projects. We provide services through all project phases from preparation of feasibility studies, technical development of the grid connection, infrastructure or micro siting through technical advice for banking institutions or governmental authorities.

Our new Lidar system is now available to our clients (including unit specific verification report) to support our services such as:

Yield estimates // wind resource assessments // ultra-fast initial wind resource assessments // CFD wind field modelling // wind maps and GIS-based regional analyses for wind farm sites // RES mapping // wind measurements // wind park layout // visualisation of wind parks // visibility analyses of wind parks // technical inspection of wind energy turbines // environmental impact assessments // evaluation of economic efficiency // network planning for wind farms (grid connection including substations & overhead transmission lines) // loss minimisation of existing and planned electrical network systems // determination of project climatic conditions // checking eligibility of projects for CDM certification

MVV decon GmbH

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