
Dong installs final Anholt turbine

The 111th and final turbine was installed yesterday at the 400MW Anholt offshore wind farm

The Siemens SWT-3.6-120 unit was installed from the Sea Power at the project's Kattegat Sea site. The turbines have been installed over an eight-and-a-half month period.

First power was achieved at Anholt in September 2012. More than 75 turbines are now operational with 270MW of electricity going into the Danish grid.

The project is Denmark's largest offshore wind farm, eclipsing the 209MW Horns Rev 2 project. Denmark passed the 1GW of installed offshore capacity mark in March and a further significant capacity expansion is planned by 2020.

Anholt's remaining 36 turbines will become operational over the summer, with the completed 400MW project set for official opening on 4 September.

It is jointly owned by Dong Energy (50%), PensionDanmark (30%) and PKA (20%). Samuel Leupold, executive vice president of Dong Energy Wind Power, said Anholt would "provide a solid contribution in the transition towards more renewable energy".

Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / By DONG WIND (UK) Ltd Staff
www.dongenergy.dk /...

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