
Enercon continues to dominate German wind energy market

Vestas came in second place, clocking up 24.2%. REpower came third with 11%, followed by Nordex with 3.7%, e.n.o. with 1.5% and Vensys with 1.1%.


  • Enercon has continued to lead the German onshore market by taking a 56.8% share of the 2,335MW installed in 2012, according to wind engineering and consultancy firm Deutsche Windguard.

  • Vestas lost its global leadership of the global wind turbine market to General Electric Co. in 2012 after 12 years with the biggest share, Navigant Consulting Inc.’s BTM Consult unit said.

  • Siemens AG rose to third from ninth, Enercon GmbH gained to fourth from fifth and Suzlon Energy Ltd. rose to fifth from sixth, The final ranking is due late next month, it said. It didn’t provide percentage shares.

  • In 2011, Enercon had accounted for around 60% of the 2,007MW installed, Vestas taking 21% of the market. These statistics including 200MW of offshore wind power.

  • ENERCON market share in Germany 2011 based on installed capacity (Source: DEWI)

  • ENERCON market share worldwide 2010 based on installed capacity (Source: BTM Consult ApS)

  • Repower and Nordex followed with 9.7% and 3.9% respectively in 2011. The Bard group accounted for 2.1% with its offshore installations. Siemens Wind Power and GE Wind were insignificant in the German market in 2011.

  • Major companies Siemens and GE don’t figure in the 2012 onshore wind farm installations, being subsumed in the 1.7% other category.

  • In future, Siemens will start to build a profile in German wind power thanks to upcoming offshore projects using its turbine technology.


1984 - ENERCON GmbH founded by Aloys Wobben. Development of first ENERCON wind turbine E-15/16 (55 kW)

1988 - Development and installation of E-17/80 kW and E-32/100 kW

1991 - Completion of first own production facility

1993 - Launch of E-40/500 kW series: first gearless WEC. Construction of first rotor blade production facility (AERO)

1995 - Installation of E-66/1.5 MW prototype

1996 - Purchase of production site in Sorocaba

1998 - Acquisition of SKET Maschinen und Anlagenbau GmbH, Magdeburg.  Development of E-66 production site in Magdeburg

2000 - German Environmental Award presented to company owner Aloys Wobben / Development of WEC Turmbau GmbH in Magdeburg / Takeover of steel manufacturer Kockums Industrier AB, Malmö, establishment of EWP Windtower Production

2001 - Founding of a new wind turbine production facility in Magdeburg-Rothensee

2002 - Set-up of new rotor blade production facility in Turkey / Commissioning of E-112 prototype in Egeln near Magdeburg

2003 - Launch of serial production of E-112 rotor blades in Magdeburg, Germany

2004 - Installation of two E-112 turbines in Wybelsumer Polder near Emden and nearshore E-112 in the Ems River

2005 - 1. Construction of a concrete tower production facility (WEC Turmbau) in Emden; 2. Expansion of worldwide production area to 380,000 m²; 3. Enhancement of E-112 to 6 MW wind turbine; 4. Commissioning of E-82/2 MW prototype

2006 - 1. Commissioning of E-20/100 kW and E-53/800 kW prototypes; 2. Advancement of E-112 to E-126 MW wind turbine; 3. Further development of the wind turbine E-112 to E-126

2007 - 1. New headquarters building in Aurich; 2. Completion of prototypes E-126; 3. Launch of construction of production sites in Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

2008 - 1. Christening of “E-Ship 1″ in Kiel; 2. Aloys Wobben receives Rudolf Diesel medal; 3. Launch of rotor blade and tower production in Viana do Castelo

2009 - 1. Inauguration of mechatronic and blade production factories in Viana do Castelo (Portugal); 2.Commissioning of ENERCON hydropower plant in Raguhn / Saxony Anhalt; 3. Inauguration of new WEC Turmbau production site in Magdeburg

2010 - 1. Inauguration of Europe`s most modern foundry (Gusszentrum Ostfriesland GZO); 2. Expansion of product range E-82/2.3 MW, E-82/3 MW and the E-101/3 MW and 3, Maiden voyage of E-Ship 1

2011 - 1. Expansion of production capacity at production sites in Haren/Ems and Aurich; 2. Installation of a precast concrete tower factory in France; 2. Construction of mobile concrete tower facilities in Brazil and 3. Completion of Weser hydropower plant (2 ENERCON S-pipe turbines/10 MW rated power)

That is it! It was nevertheless a mission to get this information. ut we are there to provide you with the et and most up-to-date information.

Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / By Enercon Staff

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