
Catch the Wind Reports Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Breakthroughs

Company highlights the first deployment of the WindSentinel™ on the Great Lakes

CHANTILLY, VA, Jan. 11, 2012 - Catch the Wind Ltd. (TSXV: CTW), providers of laser-based wind sensor products and technology, today reported that the first ever deployment of the Vindicator® Laser Wind Sensor (LWS) in the AXYS Technologies Inc.'s WindSentinel™ offshore buoy was an unprecedented success, providing wind profile information from the Great Lakes to wind resource researchers and analysts at Grand Valley State University, University of Michigan and Michigan State University.

After 45 days of testing on Lake Michigan, Dr. Guy Meadows, Director of the Ocean Engineering Laboratory, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, reported that this was the first time they had actual data of the detailed vertical structure of the marine boundary layer over any of the Great Lakes and that this buoy had provided a truly unique data set, which will be very useful in forecasting wind and wave circulation across the lakes, as well as aiding in Search and Rescue (SAR) efforts. "Especially valuable," he said, "was the turbulence data during the approach of severe storms and fronts." Dr. Meadows also stated that there was "amazing correlation between the buoy data and the National Weather Service and Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA models."

Arnold Boezaart, Director of Grand Valley State University's Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center, reported that the two-month sea trial went very well and yielded highly valuable real time information. "Weather wise, November and December are two of the most challenging months on the Great Lakes, so it was a good field test of the research buoy's capability," he said. "We now have two months of one-second wind measurement data up to 150 meters using a floating research platform and state-of-the-art laser technology. This has never been done before on the Great Lakes or elsewhere in North America." Additional testing and data correlation will continue through the winter with additional deployments scheduled in the spring.

"We are extremely pleased that GVSU's initial deployment has been an effective demonstration of the capabilities of the WindSentinel," said Graham Howe, International Business Development Renewables, AXYS Technologies, Inc. "The deployment period saw 23.6 m/s winds and 8 meter waves yet the WindSentinel continued to transmit the full range of data proving that the WindSentinel can offer accurate, cost effective offshore wind resource assessment data in near real time from the most challenging environments."

"Showing robustness in this extreme environment, specifically on a moving buoy far removed from land, is a great demonstration of our product," said Dr. Jo Major, Jr., Chairman and Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of Catch the Wind. "Beyond being tough, the tool demonstrated phenomenal capacity to supply remote wind measurement capability and excellent correlation with multiple standard wind measurements. This successful test under extreme environmental conditions highlights the advancements that our team has achieved with our product technology."

"The reliability and accuracy now achievable in remote offshore wind-sensing is a game-changer that will provide the wind industry with the ability to collect data that will make investments in onshore and offshore wind power more profitable with lower financial risk," Dr. Major added. "We look forward to substantial commercial growth in this business sector in partnership with AXYS Technologies."

About Catch the Wind Ltd.
Catch the Wind Ltd. is a high-growth technology company headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia. The company was founded in 2008 to develop and manufacture the Vindicator® laser wind sensor.
Catch the Wind serves the commercial market sector for laser based wind sensor systems, recognized as the "gold standard" in wind measurement. The company is focused on becoming a major contributor in making clean, renewable wind energy more affordable and profitable
Catch the Wind, Inc
Claudia Jaques

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