UK wind industry is on course to deliver a record year of new generating capacity in 2004
Ambitious targets for green energy are at risk unless other forms of renewable energy other than wind power are developed
Boost given by high demand for multi-MW turbines
Adelaide company is planning to build an 18 to 22-turbine wind farm
Renewables 2004 Conference brings together more than 3,000 delegates and observers from 154 countries
250 turbines will be sited about 20 miles out to sea
GE Energy is using its massive corporate reach to secure wind power projects abroad
$6.4 billion worth of wind energy projects will be shelved as a result of the released energy statement
Investigation led by India's most eminent scientists
Implcations of released energy white paper
Hansjörg Müller (38) to be appointed to the company’s management board
Britain must spend £1 billion a year on renewable energy
Support among farmers on a range of issues related to the future growth of the U.S. wind industry
Part one
Part two
UK wind industry's 26th annual event
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