
News Release from World Wind Energy Association e.V. (WWEA)

WWEA intensifies collaboration with IRENA

WWEA Secretary General Stefan Gsänger chairs the Empowering People working group, WWEA Vice President Monica Oliphant continues as a member of the Steering Group

Foto by WWEA, from left: Dr. Ibrahim Togola, Dr. Irfan Mirza, Monica Oliphant, Stefan GsängerFoto by WWEA, from left: Dr. Ibrahim Togola, Dr. Irfan Mirza, Monica Oliphant, Stefan Gsänger

Abu Dhabi/Bonn, 16 April 2024 – At yesterday’s annual strategy meeting, the IRENA Coalition for Action adopted a new structure which represents an important step for IRENA’s work with non-governmental stakeholders. Members of the Coalition for Action, IRENA’s branch for collaboration with non-governmental actors, will work in three working groups which have been identified as being crucial for the success of the accelerated deployment of renewable across the globe: Markets & Finance, Empowering People and Communities as well as Towards 100% Renewable Systems.

During the meeting, WWEA Vice President Monica Oliphant has been re-appointed for a second term as a WWEA representative at the Coalition Steering Group which oversees the activities of the coalition and prepares the general strategy.

WWEA Secretary General Stefan Gsänger has been elected as the chair of the new group “Empowering People and Communities” which will focus on the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of a just and inclusive energy transformation. By highlighting the interconnectedness of energy, well-being, and nature, the group seeks solutions that promote local value creation, quality employment, and community ownership. The group will highlight the central role of citizens in the energy transition, as decision-makers and active participants. Stefan Gsänger will assume his role together with Shota Furuya from the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (Japan) and Brian Kawuma (Power for All).

WWEA Vice President Dr. Ibrahim Togola will act as coordinator of the task force on “Best practices for agri-renewables projects” which aims at illustrating different geographies, technologies used, financing instruments, socio-economic benefits, cultural and gender considerations in renewable energy applications in agriculture.  

WWEA President Dr. Irfan Mirza who was also present at the meeting: “As President of the World Wind Energy Association, I am pleased to affirm our ongoing commitment to global sustainable energy goals through our participation Coalition for Action Annual Strategy meeting. For the past decade, we supported the IRENA Coalition for Action which now is a formidable initiative. Our collaboration with IRENA underscores our dedication to fostering international dialogue and cooperation to accelerate the transition towards 100 percent renewable energy. WWEA also gave the idea of creation of a Global Renewable Energy Development FUND to support developing and underdeveloped countries accelerate the development of renewable energy. Together, we continue to build a resilient energy future for all.”

Stefan Gsänger: “Empowering people is key in order to make a renewable energy world a reality. I fell honoured and privileged that I can work with IRENA in this important role which aims at broadening the transformation towards a renewable world with participatory approaches that are benefitting people across the globe directly.”

Monica Oliphant: “It is a great honour to represent the WWEA on the IRENA Coalition for Action Steering Committee. A good structuring of groups and tasks has been established and I look forward to contributing effectively in the coming year to reach our common goals to accelerate towards 100% renewable energy by empowering communities and businesses.”

Dr. Ibrahim Togola: “This has been a great day which demonstrates the engagement of IRENA for a stronger involvement of the Non-Government representatives in it global renewable energy agenda. It is my great pleasure to be with WWEA friends and always stay engaged together for 100% renewable energy.”


All news from World Wind Energy Association e.V. (WWEA)

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