Posted by: Windfair Editors
Mixed outlook for key clean energy technologies
Official Press Release IEA:
Latest update on clean energy technology manufacturing shows a mixed outlook for key technologies
Pipeline of projects remains dynamic, with significant additions in the past six months, though the average rate of new capacity announcements has eased, new IEA update shows
The pipeline of clean energy technology manufacturing projects remains vibrant, with significant additions in the past six months, though the average rate of new capacity announcements slowed relative to the pace set during the first quarter of the year, according to the latest update from the IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) series. Released today, the ETP Special Briefing on the State of Clean Technology Manufacturing provides a snapshot of recent progress in clean energy technology manufacturing for five key technologies – solar PV, wind, batteries, electrolysers... ... More: Official Press Release IEA
- Keywords:
- IEA; report, technology, energy transition, renewable energy, update, data, capacity, manufacturing, clean, solar, battery, electrolysers, net zero