
Wind industry welcomes Marine Bill but calls for sustainable development of sea

New offshore planning framework must have 'sustainable development at its heart'

BWEA, UK's leading wind, wave and tidal energy trade association, welcomed today's launch of the Draft Marine Bill. BWEA supports the Bill's aim to create a new planning framework for the offshore environment.

The wind industry is calling on the Government to ensure that the Draft Marine Bill balances conservation concerns with sustainable economic needs, such as renewable energy.

Maria McCaffery, BWEA Chief Executive, says: "We welcome the Bill, which will provide much needed stability and clarity for the marine environment. However, the sea isn't just an environmental asset, it has to be sustainable economic one as well."

The Bill will create Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) for offshore habitats and wildlife, with a new government agency, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) setting planning policy.

BWEA supports the creation of MCZs, but believes the location and management of MCZs should be decided by the Marine Management Organisation, with input from all stakeholders, including nature conservation agencies and other sea users, such as renewable energy developers.

BWEA is seeking a clear commitment to sustainable development in the MMO's remit, which will ensure that offshore planning policy will allow for the siting of the 5,000-6,000 wind turbines needed to meet the UK's renewable energy targets and tackle climate change.

McCaffery added: "Britain's potential to develop offshore wind resources and reach the Government's renewable energy targets, must be place at the heart of the Draft Marine Bill. The Marine Bill should promote sustainable development and that includes economic activity, such as offshore renewables."
Nick Medic

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