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RWE to pay German municipalities climate bonus for more acceptance
Official Press Release RWE:
‚RWE climate bonus’ provides municipalities with more money for electricity from wind and solar power
The amended Renewable Energies Act (EEG 2023) makes it possible: Company pays municipalities 0.2 cents per kilowatt hour for existing RWE wind farms and for future renewable energy plants after commissioning / Voluntary bonus is intended to increase local acceptance of the energy transition; additional revenue could benefit day-care centres, schools or fire brigades, for example
RWE has decided to allow all municipalities in Germany with one of the company's wind farms or ground-mounted solar plants to share in the profits on a voluntary basis.* The “RWE climate bonus” will generally apply to both existing RWE assets and future assets after commissioning from 1 January 2023. The amendment to the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) makes this possible. The company sees... ... More: Official Press Release RWE
- Keywords:
- RWE, wind farm, onshore, community, municipality, wind, solar, climate bonus, Germany, EEG, law, electricity, acceptance