
Germany: renewables are key to overcome energy dependence on Russia

GlobalData says, to help divert an energy crisis in Germany, the country must accelerate its energy transition.

Official Press Release GlobalData:

Renewable power is the key for Germany to overcome potential energy crisis following Russia-Ukraine conflict, says GlobalData

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Renewable power is the key for Germany to overcome potential energy crisis following Russia-Ukraine conflict, says GlobalData

To help divert a potential energy crisis, renewables are expected to play a major role in meeting Germany’s power demand as a result of the country’s gas and coal supply being stunted due to EU sanctions placed on Russia, observes GlobalData.

However, the leading and analytics company found that as a result of Germany’s plans to phase out nuclear power by the end of 2022, few conventional plants will be present to pay off the fluctuations in the renewable sector. Although, based on the current energy crisis, the country is in talks to reconsider the phase out of two nuclear stations. GlobalData’s latest report, ... More: Official Press Release GlobalData

GlobalData, Germany, energy transition, Russia, dependence, renewable energy, portfolio, research, analysis, infrastructure, energy crisis

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