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Global wind industry calls for greater political ambitions ahead of COP27
Official Press Release GWEC:
Global wind industry unites to address climate and energy crises ahead of COP27
COP27 must be the moment countries come together to put renewable energy at the centre of climate action. This year, the Global Wind Energy Coalition for COP27 has convened to ensure world leaders recognise the urgent need for a massive step-up in the deployment of wind energy to resolve the twin crises of climate and energy.
The Coalition announces its aims for COP27 yesterday on Global Wind Day – a day for learning about wind power and the opportunities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and economic growth. Global carbon dioxide emissions in 2021 were the highest on record, despite the IPCC calling for peak emission by 2025... ... More: Official Press Release GWEC
- Keywords:
- GWEC, global, wind industry, Cop27, energy crises, climate change, Global Wind Day, growth, politicians, emissions, ambition, GW, installation