Posted by: Windfair Editors
U.S. offshore leasing on Atlantic and Pacific sites advances
Official Press Release BOEM:
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Offshore Wind Energy Leasing on Atlantic and Pacific Coasts
New offshore wind action helps advance President Biden’s ambitious clean energy goals
The Department of the Interior today announced that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will publish two separate Calls for Information and Nominations for possible leasing in areas that are determined to be suitable off the coast of Oregon and in the Central Atlantic. BOEM Director Amanda Lefton made the announcement at the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum, where she outlined the Biden-Harris administration’s momentum to spur a clean energy future and create good-paying, union jobs deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030. Over the past year, the Biden-Harris administration and the Interior Department have launched the American offshore wind... ... More: Official Press Release BOEM
- Keywords:
- BOEM, USA, offshore, lease, auction, government, renewable energy, wind farm, GW, Atlantic, Pacific, Joe Biden, Oregon, clean, green, Gulf