
Equinor Decides to Build Hywind Tampen

The oil and gas platforms will be the first ever powered by a floating offshore wind farm.

Official Press Release Equinor:

Investing in Hywind Tampen development

Wind Industry Profile of
Investing in Hywind Tampen development

Equinor and the Snorre and Gullfaks partners have made a final investment decision for the Hywind Tampen offshore wind farm development. Today, two updated plans for development and operation will be submitted to Norwegian authorities.

The oil and gas platforms will be the first ever powered by a floating offshore wind farm. The wind farm will be located some 140 kilometres from shore in 260-300 metres of water between the Snorre and Gullfaks platforms. “We have been systematically maturing technologies for floating offshore wind for almost 20 years. The decision by the Snorre and Gullfaks partners helps bring this technology an important step forward. About 80 % of the global resource potential for offshore wind is in deep waters, and floating offshore wind may... ... More: Official Press Release Equinor

Equinor, Hywind Tampen, oil, gas, platform, powered by, wind energy, offshore, floating, Norway, investment

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